Eric Carlier founded Le Passe-Trame in 1990 at Peyrin-Augmontel (Mazamet area). The sheep wool market was thriving at the time due to the fellmongering activity.
Thirty years ago the first angora goats were introduced into the Montagne Noire and two breeders who were members of a cooperative hired Eric Carlier to weave their wool into finished products.
A few years later, he bought industrial looms to specialize into furnishing and offer wall fabrics whose production can now vary from 50 to 3000 meters, depending on the customers’ orders.
Moreover, Le Passe-Trame creates its own collections of scarves, stoles and throws in partnership with subcontractors. Together they founded the association Atelier Laines d’Europe to help promote sheep breeding as well as the production, transformation and use of wool fabric.
Le Passe-Trame took part in the Made in Town / Montagne Noire exhibition, which was held from October 21, 2015 to February 13, 2016 at Made in Town in Paris.