The ‘Confédération européenne du lin et du chanvre’ (CELC), European Flax and Hemp Confederation in English, works at the promotion of the flax and hemp sector and represents 10,000 ot the sector’s companies in 14 countries of the European Union.
Europe is the largest flax producing area, in fact 85% of the world’s crops come from northern France, the Netherlands and Belgium. This environmentally friendly crop produces a fiber promoted under the name of European Flax®, certified without irrigation, and without GMOs or waste, known for its thermoregulatory and anti-allergic properties. The traceability and quality of crops and processing in Europe are certified by Masters of Linen®.

With the aim of raising awareness of this natural fibre, the CELC has opened a learning and information centre in the 1st arrondissement of Paris which presents various products made from flax or hemp. By showcasing the range of different spinners, weavers and knitters using flax fibres, but also with a selection of composite materials integrating the various components of flax, the space also acts as a sourcing centre for brands and various designers. Accessible by appointment, this space welcomes fashion, decoration or design professionals attracted by the traceability and sustainability of the material who can go there to observe and touch the various textile samples.

As part of the TRICOLOR project, to encourage the rebirth of French wool sectors, Florence Wuillai, a young graduate of the Haute École des Arts du Rhin (HEAR), has developed a range of samples of felted knits with a mix of French wool and European linen in partnership with Made in Town and the CELC.